Monday, July 9, 2007


"Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people,
and the hills, in righteousness."
-Psalm 72:3

"May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass,
like showers that water the earth."
-Psalm 72:6

Psalm 72 and particularly these verse have spoken so much to me about the leader I want and need to be here. It has occured to me through a long process that this is not the easiest job in the world. I am 23 years old and I am in upper management, but even more than management I am also leading a ministry. If only it were as cut and dry as simply managing people and a property in my task oriented gifting; but this place is so much more than that. It is a place where 24 hours a day, at least 5 days a week, we are a tightly knit community woven together for one purpose - the lives of children.

Verse 3 reminds me of what this place has been for so many children, but also for so many staff. Far be it from Eagle Lake to give a manufactured mountain top experience, but we know that in these mountains it is so easy to connect with God in a way that perhaps some of these college student desperatly need. Here, it is so easy to submerse oneself into spending time with God getting to know Him. Perhaps it is the evident beauty or the mountain air, perhaps it is the intentionallity, perhaps it is just the special nature of being just a little removed from city life. My good friend Joel Pontius used to say, "If you want to get to know God, you've got to go where He is." He demonstrates Himself clearly in this environment.

Verse 6 is for me. Now this psalm is a prayer that King Solomon wrote. I am no king, but I am leading people, and what if my leadership, my management, my ministry could be as refreshing as rain? What if the very way I lead this staff and the programing team could be refreshing to them as showers to the earth? This is a remarkable concept. Remarkable especially for a person like myself that is so task oriented. You can join with me and pray for that kind of leadership if you like!

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